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This "Rolling Grocer" vehicle operated by Cliff Bates is an interesting piece of New Bedford History.
Though it is difficult to read the signage on the wagon, you can see the word "Meats" etc. and Salesman.
I wonder what the board of health would have to say about a thing like this today.
There seems to be little connection to this business in New Bedford written archives.
If anyone has good historical info about this, please contact the webmaster.
Research and dead ends: read below the picture.
In the New Bedford Directory for 1919
Lot B Bates was listed as a wholesale grocer with the business at 423 Acushnet Avenue
. In 1914 A Clarence Bates is listed as a salesman at the wholesale grocery at 423 Acushnet Ave. and living at the same address of 494 County Street.
There is a chance that they are related.
James Bates Grocer 1915 New Bedford Directory
A Cliff Bates of New Bedford turns up as an Airman born 1918. He would have been 12 when this picture was supposed to have been taken.