1911 Cranberry Pickers from New Bedford |
These children were migrant pickers from New Bedford who were working on
cranberry bogs on Cape Cod.
They were all cousins.
On the left is 10 year old Joe Sylva, 618 Water St., New Bedford.
He picks 10 pails a day at 7 cents.
13 year old
Arthur Sylva picks 30 pails a day.
Carrie Maderyos, 12 years old of 618 Water Street, New Bedford is there for her second year of picking. |
The group expects to be picking in this bog for four weeks (picking season started in September and continued through October) more which will cause loss of New Bedford schooling by at least 6 weeks. The operators of the bogs typically hired migrant workers at exceptionally low wages. They would have lived in the shacks that were often provided on site.
Details in the photo are interesting, and you can see that 2 of the boys have no shoes and the smallest one
on the left isn't too happy at the moment of the photograph.
If you click on the images and they will enlarge - you can see a lot of details. |

Click the images to see a larger version of the same.
Below 1880 (dry) Cranberry Harvesting By Hand |
