School House in Padanaram
Built 1773
Images below
This was a one classroom school house in Padaranam in 1773.
It escaped the burning by the British in September of 1778 when they came to destroy the area.
The owner Gerald Audette Passed away and the house was sold to a nice gentleman. He renovated the house to some extent and added a second floor in the back of the house. It looks good.
PAST INFO 2011 (As of 2011 the house is currently owned and occupied by Gerald R. Audette.
It is kept neat-nice and ship-shape. Gerald's younger brother Joseph Albert Normand Audette also lives in the house.
The front room was the one room school, and the teacher lived in the back and on the second floor.
The house currently has modern heating and conveniences in the kitchen and bathrooms and has had a solar heating set up for hot water for many years now..)
There is a fireplace in the front room, and the same multi-flu chimney serves for a fireplace in the back room to heat the back of the house part of the building.
The 2 upstairs bedrooms also have individual fireplaces.
The room when Gerald lived there was largely unused and kept as it was when bought with the addition of a grand piano.
During a renovation of and re-pointing of the chimney. Some old things were found in between the wall and chimney such as an old cobbled shoe, etc.
This school was built when we had a King and weren't yet an independent nation.
Click the photograph to see a larger version of the same. |
